National and Industry Accounts
David B. Wasshausen
Associate Director for National Economic Accounts
(301) 278-9752 Jeffrey Barnett
Chief, Expenditure and Income Division
(301) 278-9663
Associate Director for National Economic Accounts
(301) 278-9752 Jeffrey Barnett
Chief, Expenditure and Income Division
(301) 278-9663
Thomas F. Howells
Chief, Industry Economics Division
(301) 278-9586 Edward Morgan
Deputy Chief, Industry Economics Division
(301) 278-9541
Chief, Industry Economics Division
(301) 278-9586 Edward Morgan
Deputy Chief, Industry Economics Division
(301) 278-9541
Subject Matter | Name | Telephone |
Auto Output | Everette P. Johnson | (301) 278-9725 |
Capital Consumption Allowances | Howard I. Krakower | (301) 278-9717 |
Capital Expenditures > By Industry | Michael T. Cusick | (301) 278-9764 |
Capital Expenditures > By Type | Gregory Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Capital Stocks > Government | William A. Jolliff | (301) 278-9668 |
Capital Stocks > Private Nonresidential | Michael T. Cusick | (301) 278-9764 |
Capital Stocks > Private Residential | Michael T. Cusick | (301) 278-9764 |
Computer Price Index | Gregory Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Construction | Gregory J. Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Consumption, goods (personal) | William H. Nicolls IV | (301) 278-9544 |
Consumption, services (personal) | Harvey L. Davis | (301) 278-9719 |
Corporate Profits and Taxes | Kate L.S. Pinard | (301) 278-9635 |
Depreciation | Michael T. Cusick | (301) 278-9764 |
Disposable Personal Income | Lisa S. Mataloni | (301) 278-9083 |
Dividends | Kate L.S. Pinard | (301) 278-9635 |
Employee Benefit Plans | Brian J. Smith | (301) 278-9625 |
Employee Compensation | Brian J. Smith | (301) 278-9625 |
Equipment | Billy Jolliff | (301) 278-9668 |
Farm Output, Product, and Income | Kendra Asher | (301) 278-9731 |
Fixed Assets Accounts | Michael T. Cusick | (301) 278-9764 |
Fixed Investment > By Type | Gregory Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Fixed Investment > Entertainment, Literary, and Artistic Originals | Dominique Schein | (301) 278-9298 |
Fixed Investment > Equipment | Billy Jolliff | (301) 278-9668 |
Fixed Investment > Research and Development | Dominique Schein | (301) 278-9298 |
Fixed Investment > Software | Dominique Schein | (301) 278-9298 |
Fixed Investment > Structures | Gregory J. Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Government | Peter Beall | (301) 278-9771 |
Government > Output, Consumption Expenditures, and Gross Investment | Peter G. Beall | (301) 278-9771 |
Government > Receipts and Expenditures | Andrea L. Cook | (301) 278-9777 |
Government > Functions | Andrea Cook | (301) 278-9777 |
Government > Taxes | Andrea L. Cook | (301) 278-9777 |
Government > Social Benefit Payments | Andrea Cook | (301) 278-9777 |
Government > Compensation | Brendan I. Brankin | (301) 278-9736 |
Government > Capital Stocks | William A. Jolliff | (301) 278-9668 |
Gross Domestic Product (Gross National Product) > Current Estimates | Lisa S. Mataloni | (301) 278-9083 |
Gross Domestic Product (Gross National Product) > Gross Domestic Product by Industry | Lisa S. Mataloni | (301) 278-9083 |
Interest Income and Payments | Brian J. Smith | (301) 278-9625 |
Inventories | David T. Hill | (301) 278-9046 |
Inventory/Sales Ratios | David T. Hill | (301) 278-9046 |
Investment, Fixed > By Type | Gregory Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Investment, Fixed > Entertainment, Literary, and Artistic Originals | Dominique Schein | (301) 278-9298 |
Investment, Fixed > Equipment | Billy Jolliff | (301) 278-9668 |
Investment, Fixed > Research and Development | Dominique Schein | (301) 278-9298 |
Investment, Fixed > Software | Dominique Schein | (301) 278-9298 |
Investment, Fixed > Structures | Gregory J. Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Investment, Inventories | David T. Hill | (301) 278-9046 |
Investment, Inventories > Inventories | David T. Hill | (301) 278-9046 |
Investment, Inventories > Inventory/Sales Ratios | David T. Hill | (301) 278-9046 |
Motor Vehicle Output | Everette P. Johnson | (301) 278-9725 |
National Income | Lisa S. Mataloni | (301) 278-9083 |
Net Exports | David T. Hill | (301) 278-9046 |
Output Measures (Chain-type) | Robert J. Kornfeld | (301) 278-9285 |
Personal Consumption Expenditures, Goods | William H. Nicolls IV | (301) 278-9544 |
Personal Consumption Expenditures, Goods > Motor Vehicles | Everette P. Johnson | (301) 278-9725 |
Personal Consumption Expenditures, Goods > Other Goods | William H. Nicolls IV | (301) 278-9544 |
Personal Consumption Expenditures, Prices | Kyle J. Brown | (301) 278-9688 |
Personal Consumption Expenditures, Services | Harvey L. Davis | (301) 278-9719 |
Personal Income | Lisa S. Mataloni | (301) 278-9083 |
Price Measures (Chain-type) | Robert J. Kornfeld | (301) 278-9285 |
Proprietors Income, Nonfarm | Howard I. Krakower | (301) 278-9717 |
Rental Income | Brian J. Smith | (301) 278-9625 |
Residential Construction | Gregory J. Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Saving | Lisa S. Mataloni | (301) 278-9083 |
Software | Dominique Schein | (301) 278-9298 |
Structures | Gregory J. Prunchak | (301) 278-9233 |
Taxes | Mary L. Roy | (301) 278-9664 |
Truck Output | Michael F. Woehrman | (301) 278-9231 |
United Nations and OECD System of National Accounts | Connor Franks | (301) 278-9710 |
Wages and Salaries | Brian J. Smith | (301) 278-9625 |