Employment by County, Metro and Other Areas

BEA produces job counts for local areas, with breakdowns by industry.

The employment estimates include data for: counties, metropolitan statistical areas, micropolitan statistical areas, combined statistical areas, and metropolitan divisions. Data is also presented for each state's metropolitan portion (the counties that belong to MSAs) and nonmetropolitan portion (the remaining counties).

These statistics are based primarily on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Internal Revenue Service; BEA uses additional source data and adjustments to produce employment statistics that align with other BEA' statistics.

  • Release Information: Data typically updated in November

Employment by County, Metro and Other Areas

A count of full-time and part-time jobs in U.S. counties and metropolitan areas, with industry detail. Nonmetropolitan areas and rural counties are also included. These statistics cover wage and salary jobs and self-employment.

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