Government Finance Statistics-IMF Framework
Government finance statistics are used to facilitate fiscal analysis and comparability with other countries by allowing the use of a common methodology. Although derived from the government statistics in BEA's standard macroeconomic accounts, the estimates presented here have been adjusted to adhere to the International Monetary Fund's accounting framework and the tables designed to reflect this framework. They include quarterly and annual estimates of government revenue, expense, and transactions in nonfinancial assets for the federal government; combined state and local governments; and total government. These U.S. statistics, along with two government data tables from BEA's Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts, are submitted quarterly for publication in the IMF's Government Finance Statistics international database.
- Comparison of Government Finance Statistics with BEA’s National Account Estimates
by Pamela Kelly and Jennifer Bennett
What are Government Finance Statistics-IMF Framework?
Unlike BEA's standard statistics on government receipts and expenditures, these quarterly and annual data follow the accounting framework of the International Monetary Fund's Government Finance Statistics. They are used to analyze fiscal policy and make comparisons with other countries.
Government Finance StatisticsAndrea Cook
Government Finance StatisticsGary Davis
NIPA Government Receipts and ExpendituresAndrea Cook