BEA is developing statistics measuring the contributions of space-related industries to the overall U.S. economy. These estimates give business leaders, policymakers, and the public a new tool to analyze the space economy and to inform investment decisions.
Updated and revised estimates of the U.S. space economy’s contributions to GDP, gross output, private employment, and private compensation by industry for 2017-2022 were released on June 25, 2024. BEA continues to explore options for further improvements and extensions to these space economy statistics. The next release, including data for 2023, is expected early 2025.
- New and Revised Statistics for the U.S. Space Economy, 2017–2022 Survey of Current Business, June 2024
- Space Economy Data, 2017-2022
- Real growth in space manufacturing output substantially exceeds growth in the overall space economy Acta Astronautica, June 2024
- International, North American and European Statistical Classifications for Space Economy Measurement (PDF) A co-publication by BEA, OECD, the European Space Agency, Eurostat, and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, December 2023
- Estimating the United States Space Economy Using Input-Output Frameworks Space Policy, January 2022
- Exploring the Space Economy The BEA Wire, February 2020
- Measuring the Value of the U.S. Space Economy Survey of Current Business, December 2019
- Interview: The Impact of Space Commerce on the U.S. GDP The Journal of Space Commerce Podcast, July 2024
- Current Space Economy Statistics and Priorities for the Future Space Economy Measurement Workshop, March 2024
- Measuring the U.S. Space Economy BEA Advisory Committee Meeting, May 2022
- Webinar on the Development of the Space Economy Satellite Account July 2020
- Slides from Space Economy Webinar July 2020
- How do BEA's estimates of the space economy compare to industry economic impact reports?
- What are current-dollar estimates?
- What is the role of wholesale trade in the space economy?
- Where is research and development (R&D) in the space economy statistics?
- What is a satellite account?
- What is gross output by industry and how does it differ from gross domestic product (or value added) by industry?
- New and Revised Statistics for the U.S. Space Economy, 2012-2021 Survey of Current Business, June 2023
- Space Economy Data, 2012-2021
- Report: Updated and Revised Estimates of the U.S. Space Economy, 2012-2019 January 26, 2022
- U.S. Space Economy Data, 2012-2019
- Preliminary Estimates of the U.S. Space Economy, 2012-2018 Survey of Current Business, December 2020
- Preliminary U.S. Space Economy Data, 2012-2018 (XLSX)