August 23, 2024

Worldwide employment by U.S. multinational enterprises increased 2.2 percent to 44.3 million workers in 2022 from 43.3 million workers in 2021 (revised). 

Employment of US Parents Aug 23

Highlights of the statistics on employment by U.S. parents and majority-owned foreign affiliates in 2022 include:

  • Employment in the United States by U.S. parents increased 2.5 percent to 30.2 million workers in 2022. U.S. parents accounted for 68.3 percent of worldwide employment by U.S. multinational enterprises (MNEs), up from 68.1 percent in 2021.
  • U.S. parents accounted for 22.6 percent of total private industry employment in the United States.
  • The manufacturing sector accounted for the largest share of employment by U.S. parents (25.1 percent), followed by retail trade (22.7 percent), and “other industries,” which includes accommodation and food services and transportation and warehousing (22.7 percent).
  • Employment abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. MNEs increased 1.5 percent to 14.0 million workers and accounted for 31.7 percent of employment by U.S. MNEs worldwide.

Highlights of other statistics on the activities of U.S. multinational enterprises in 2022 include:

  • Worldwide current-dollar value added of U.S. MNEs increased 4.4 percent to $7.0 trillion. Value added by U.S. parents, a measure of their direct contribution to U.S. gross domestic product, increased 4.3 percent to $5.3 trillion, representing 23.3 percent of total U.S. private-industry value added.  
  • Worldwide expenditures for property, plant, and equipment of U.S. MNEs increased 11.4 percent to $1.0 trillion.
  • Worldwide research and development expenditures of U.S. MNEs increased 10.8 percent to $521.5 billion. 

For more information, read the full release.