Research Economist
Jiemin Guo
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Urban and Regional Planning
Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Head of Unit, Statistics Directorate (STD)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
Project Manager
MacroSys Research and Technology
Research Associate
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Research Assistant
Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana, Urbana, Illinois
Research Assistant
US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USACERL), Champaign, Illinois
Visiting Research Scholar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts
Teaching Assistant and Lecturer
Tianjin University of Finance & Economics, Tianjin, China
External Paper/Article
Topology of Global Value Chains: Focus on the Manufacturing Industry, 2000–2015
Jiemin Guo
Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Working Paper
Increasing the Timeliness of U.S. Annual I-O Accounts (PDF)
Mark A. Planting and Jiemin Guo
Working Paper
From Make-Use to Symmetric I-O Tables: An Assessment of Alternative Technology Assumptions (PDF)
Jiemin Guo , Ann M. Lawson , and Mark A. Planting
Working Paper
Using Input-Output Analysis to Measure U.S. Economic Structural Change Over a 24 Year Period (PDF)
Jiemin Guo and Mark A. Planting
The Evolution and New Development of the US Input-Output Accounts
26th International Input-Output Conference, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
BEA's International Collaborations on Measuring Global Value Chains
26th International Input-Output Conference, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Time Series Supply and Use Tables for the United States
25th International Input-Output Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
The Road to Integration of the U.S. Economy in Global Production: An Input-Output Analysis of the U.S. Economy over the Last Seven Decades
24th International Input-Output Conference, Seoul, Korea
Cross-border Allocation of Employment in Global Value Chains: A Measurement Using International IO Decomposition Techniques
22nd International Input-Output Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
China’s Regional Economies and Domestic Trade in Value Added: An Interregional Input-Output Analysis
20th International Input-Output Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia
OECD Quarterly National Accounts Database
OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris, France
Proposal for the Collection of Non-Financial and Financial Quarterly Sector Accounts
OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris, France
The situation of quarterly national accounts data transmission to the OECD
OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris, France
Report on OECD Survey on treatment of software
OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris, France
The State of Quarterly OECD National Accounts Data
OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris, France
Relationship and Consistency between BEA’s Industry and National Economic Accounts
11th OECS-NBS Workshop, Beijing, China
Integrating U.S. Input-Output Tables with SNA: Valuations and Extensions
29th General Conference of International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Joensuu, Finland
The use of Economic Census in the US National Accounts
9th OECS-NBS Workshop, Xiamen, China
Constant prices measures in the US National Accounts
9th OECS-NBS Workshop, Xiamen, China
Integrating U.S. Input-Output Tables with SNA: An Assessment Study
15th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Beijing, China
Integrating and Accelerating BEA's Industry Accounts
11th INFORUM World Conference, Suzdal, RUSSIA
From Make-Use to Symmetric I-O Tables: An Assessment of Alternative Technology Assumptions
11th INFORUM World Conference, Suzdal, RUSSIA
From Make-Use to Symmetric I-O Tables: An Assessment of Alternative Technology Assumptions
14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Montreal, Canada
Increasing the Timeliness of U.S. Annual I-O Accounts
14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Montreal, Canada
Reducing the Time Lag of BEA’s Annual I-O Tables
48th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Charleston, South Carolina
Using Input-Output Analysis to Measure U.S. Economic Structural Change Over a 24 Year Period
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association, Graz, Austria
Economic Structural Change Analysis from an Input-output Perspective: The US Economy over Two Decades: 1977 to 1996
Eastern Economics Association Annual Conference, Crystal City, Virginia
The Role of Transportation Activities in the U.S. Economy: a New Perspective
38th annual meeting of Southern Regional Science Association, Richmond, Virginia
A New Image of Classical Key Sector Analysis: Minimum Information Decomposition of the Leontief Inverse
12th International Input-Output Technology Meeting, New York, NY
Assessing the Impact of Growth in the Deepwater Oil Industry on the Economy and Public Service Provision in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
37th annual meeting of Southern Regional Science Association, Savannah, Georgia
Internal and External Linkages of Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Industry in Regional Structural Analysis
43rd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Washington DC
The Hollowing-out Process in the Chicago Economy, 1975-2010
43rd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Washington DC
The Region Versus All Other Regions: The Danish Case
European Regional Science Association 36th Congress, Zurich, Switzerland
Evaluation of Economic Structure: The Multiplier Product Matrix
14th Pacific Regional Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
Inter Asian Linkages and Key Sectors: An Evaluation
14th Pacific Regional Science Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
Comparative Analysis of Regional Economic Structure: Case Study for China’s Urban and Rural Economies
26th Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri
Comparative Analysis of Regional Economic Structure: An Input-output Approach for China’s Metropolitan Economies
41st North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Niagara Falls, Canada
Sources of Structural Change in Input-Output Systems: A Field of Influence Approach
40th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Chicago, Illinois
Comparative Development: A Triple Decomposition Approach
16th Third World Studies Conference, Omaha, Nebraska
Live broadcast on TV and Radio - “Economic Forum” program, in Chinese
Voice of America, US Information Agency, Washington, DC
Globalization brings challenges to traditional official statistics
Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS)
Executive Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan
Editorial board member, Economic Systems Research
International Training Certificate, National Accounts Statistics
International Monetary Fund
Fellow, Special Program in Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts
Certificate, International training program for Systems of National Accounts
Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC