Interested in industries? Our newest data tool shows you BEA’s statistics about an industry, pulled together in one place.
Industry Facts starts with a printable one-page overview of your industry of choice. There’s also a data table with more statistics and a longer time span, plus options for digging deeper into the numbers.
Industry Facts features an industry’s:
- Gross output, the total market value of the goods or services it produces.
- Value added (also known as GDP by industry), which is the value added in the production process; it excludes the value of intermediate inputs, such as raw materials.
- Intermediate inputs, the raw materials and other goods and services the industry uses in its production.
The Industry Facts tool is a handy shortcut for businesspeople, government officials, researchers, students or anyone who wants to focus on specific industries within BEA’s expansive data.
Wondering which industries are driving the nation’s growth? The Industry Facts main page shows the top six contributors to real gross domestic product in the most recent data available. Hover over one of those six industry icons to see the industry’s contribution to GDP. Or click on the icon to go to that industry’s overview.
You can also get started by choosing your industry of interest — such as construction, finance and insurance, or retail trade — from the dropdown list at the top left of the main page. You’ll get an overview with current-dollar estimates and rates of change, adjusted for inflation, for both gross output and value added. Charts make it easy to spot trends over eight quarters of data. Click the PDF button to print this one-page report.
Need more info? Go to the industry’s Data Table tab for additional statistics, including intermediate inputs, and price indexes for value added, gross output, and intermediate inputs. The table shows the most recent 10 quarters of data available.
Need a longer time frame? The Modify button lets you select your start and end years. It also gives you the option of limiting the types of data shown.
Ready to save or analyze your new table? Use the Download button to export your data in Excel or CSV format.
Want to visualize your data? Click the Chart button to create a customized line chart with data you choose. Within the chart, you can use the circular icon to download your chart as an image file or to save the chart’s data.
Industry Facts includes 31 categories of industries. Twenty-two of these are core groupings from BEA’s GDP by industries statistics (some are North American Industry Classification System sectors and some are BEA’s own groupings). The other nine categories are aggregates. For a description of what’s included in an industry category, see the top of its Overview page.
For further exploration, such as comparing output across different industries, follow the links within an Industry Facts data table to the broader sets of statistics in BEA’s interactive data tables.
If you’re looking for the Industry Facts tool in the future, remember you can find it on the bea.gov homepage in the Factsheets section. (Click on Industry GDP.) You can also find Industry Facts at the top of bea.gov’s industry page.
Want to learn even more about an industry or its goods or services? You might want to visit other parts of BEA’s interactive data tables, as well. For example, you can explore consumer spending by type of product in the personal consumption expenditure tables. The input-output tables show interactions with other industries. Or you can research international trade and investment related to your industry.
Have questions or comments about Industry Facts or need help finding BEA’s industry data? Contact industryeconomicaccounts@bea.gov.