Chief, Research and Methodology Group
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.
Offshore Profit Shifting and Aggregate Measurement
Fatih Guvenen , Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. , Dylan Rassier , and Kim J. Ruhl
Strategic behavior by U.S. multinational enterprises (MNEs) to shift profits between countries to reduce their worldwide tax burden has been well studied. Much of the existing research has focused on the use of debt payments and intrafirm intellectual property licensing agreements to explain why and how MNEs shift income across national borders. Although these tax strategies may become less important following the U.S. Tax Reform Act of 2017, there is evidence they have had a large impact on measures of economic activity in recent years. This paper explores how U.S. MNEs have used cost sharing agreements between U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates to shift ownership of intangible assets to lower tax jurisdictions at less-than-arm’s-length prices. These transactions reduce measured U.S. GDP and raise measured GDP in the host countries of foreign affiliates. Our empirical results are consistent with this behavior. They provide a microeconomic view of how strategic movement of intellectual property affects key measures in the national and international economic accounts, such as GDP and the trade balance.
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. , Derrick Jenniges , Sarah Atkinson , and Yiran Xin
Headquarter services in the global integration of production
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. and Marilyn Ibarra-Caton
Offshore Profits and Domestic Productivity
Fatih Guvenen , Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. , Dylan Rassier , and Kim J. Ruhl
Offshore Profit Shifting and Domestic Productivity Measurement
Dylan Rassier , Fatih Guvenen , Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. , and Kim J. Ruhl
Headquarter Services in the Global Integration of Production (PDF)
Marilyn Ibarra-Caton and Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.
The Productivity Advantage and Global Scope of U.S. Multinational Firms (PDF)
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.
The Structure of Location Choice for New U.S. Manufacturing Investments in Asia…
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.
Do U.S. Multinationals Engage In Sequential Choice? Evidence from New Manufacturing Operations in Europe (PDF)
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.
Vertical Production Networks in Multinational Firms
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. , Gordon H. Hanson , and Matthew J. Slaughter
Offshore Outsourcing and Multinational Companies (PDF)
J. Steven Landefeld and Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.
Expansion Strategies of U.S. Multinational Firms (PDF)
Gordon H. Hanson , Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr. , and Matthew J. Slaughter
An Examination of the Low Rates of Return of Foreign-Owned U.S. Companies
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.
A Guide to BEA Statistics on U.S. Multinational Companies
Raymond J. Mataloni, Jr.