R&D Expenditures for the U.S.: A Frascati to System of National Accounts Application to U.S. Data pedro.urquilla Wed, 11/22/2017 - 12:35
Working Paper

This paper translates research and development expenditure data organized based on the Frascati Manual for the U.S. to a measure of gross output consistent with The System of National Accounts 1993. A set of detailed tables translates U.S. survey data on the performance of R&D from the National Science Foundation for 2001.

Carol Robbins

Working Paper ID
Linking Frascati-based R&D Spending to the System of National Accounts pedro.urquilla Wed, 11/22/2017 - 12:32
Working Paper

This paper provides a framework for translating research and development expenditure data organized based on the Frascati Manual to a measure of gross output consistent with The System of National Accounts 1993. This translation sets up the output measures and sectoral framework for the capitalization of R&D expenditures in a Satellite Account.

Carol Robbins

Working Paper ID
Treatment of International Research and Development as Investment: Issues and Estimates pedro.urquilla Tue, 11/21/2017 - 17:45

This paper presents an analysis of an international component in the R&D satellite account. It provides experimental estimates of the impact of treating R&D as investment on several dimensions of international transactions. It also discusses several important conceptual and methodological issues pertaining to the estimates.

Daniel R. Yorgason

Working Paper ID
Estimating Prices for R&D Investment in the 2007 R&D Satellite Account pedro.urquilla Tue, 11/21/2017 - 17:28

This paper is part of a series that provides the details behind the Bureau of Economic Analysis's (BEA) satellite account on research and development (R&D) activity. In the current work, the focus is on the theoretical underpinnings and empirical implementation of the R&D price index used to construct real R&D output. We examine four alternative price indexes. For each, we lay out the theoretical assumptions needed for the approach to be valid and examine how well the approach works in practice. We then compare these four alternative price indexes and explain the choice of our preferred price index.

Adam Copeland , Gabriel W. Medeiros , and Carol Robbins

Working Paper ID
2007 R&D Satellite Account Methodologies: Current-dollar GDP Estimates pedro.urquilla Tue, 11/21/2017 - 16:35

This paper discusses the methodologies used in constructing current-dollar R&D investment in the 2007 R&D Satellite Account. It also provides an overview of the current treatment of R&D in the national economic accounts and discusses how R&D as investment would affect gross domestic product.

Lisa S. Mataloni and Carol Moylan

Working Paper ID