It's time for BEA's benchmark survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, conducted every five years.
The BE-10 is our most comprehensive survey on financial and operating data of U.S. multinational enterprises.
- The survey covers fiscal years ending in 2024.
- All entities subject to the reporting requirements must file, even if they are not contacted by BEA.
- Those who would normally file a BE-11 annual survey will file the benchmark survey instead for 2024.
- Refer to the FAQs below for more about who is required to file.
Federal law protects the confidentiality of the data that companies report.
BE-10 survey forms for 2024
- May 30, 2025 for a U.S. Reporter required to file fewer than 50 Forms BE-10B, BE-10C, and/or BE-10D.
- June 30, 2025 for a U.S. Reporter required to file 50 or more Forms BE-10B, BE-10C, and/or BE-10D.
File by Mail or Fax
All entities must complete the BE-10A (Fillable - PDF) form for the fully consolidated U.S. business with at least one foreign affiliate
And entities must file one or more of the following forms:
- BE-10B (Fillable - PDF) for majority-owned foreign affiliate(s) whose assets, sales, or net income exceed $80 million
- BE-10C (Fillable - PDF) for majority-owned foreign affiliate(s) whose assets, sales, or net income exceed $25 million but none of these items are greater than $80 million. Also for minority-owned affiliate(s) whose assets, sales, or net income exceed $25 million.
- BE-10D (Fillable - PDF) for all foreign affiliate(s) whose assets, sales, and net income do not exceed $25 million
- BE-10D (Fillable - PDF) extra page for reporting additional BE-10D affiliates
Additional Documents
- BE-10 Claim for Not Filing (PDF)
- BE-10 Instruction Booklet (PDF)
- BE-10 Request for Extension for Filing (Must be done using eFile)
- Guide to Industry Classifications for International Surveys, 2022
Statistics from the Survey
Guidance materials
- Guide to BEA's Direct Investment Surveys PDF
- 2024 eFile Guidance linking survey forms
- 2024 eFile Navigation Tips
- Guide to Reporting Real Estate Investments on the 2024 BE-10 Survey
More About BEA's International Data and Surveys
- Federal Register Final Rule detailing changes to the 2024 Benchmark BE-10 Forms
- U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, Quarterly and Annual Surveys
- BEA International Trade and Investment Country Facts
- Web-based eFile forms
- File Online with eFile
- 2024 eFile Guidance linking survey forms
- 2024 eFile Navigation Tips
- Guide to Reporting Real Estate Investments on the 2024 BE-10 Survey Sign up for BE-10 Email Notifications
When communicating by email with BEA, please do not include sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the text or in an unencrypted attachment.
Sensitive PII is information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as a Social Security Number (full or partial).
Any document containing sensitive PII that is attached to an email must be encrypted. Any email received by BEA that contains sensitive PII in the text or in an unencrypted attachment will be blocked and deleted.
If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact information on the survey you are completing.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- My company is an inactive company. Do I have to file a BE-10?
- My company was liquidated or no longer owned foreign affiliates in 2024. Do I have to file a BE-10?
- I don't have an EIN. How should I complete this question on BEA surveys?
- How do I report on the BE-10 if I am a limited partnership or have an interest in a limited partnership?
- I only own real estate in a foreign country. Why am I required to file a BE-10 survey?
- I am reporting for a private fund. Do I have to file a BE-10?
- Are there exceptions to the consolidation rules when filing a BE-10 report?
- What is the due date for filing the 2024 BE-10 survey?
- I am required to file a BE-10 report. Which form do I file?
- When will respondents be notified to complete the 2024 BE-10 survey forms?
- How can I get a copy of the last BE-10 or BE-11 survey report that was submitted?
- Are web-based versions of the BE-10 forms available in eFile?
- Why does BEA conduct the BE-10 Benchmark Survey?
- Am I required to file the BE-10 benchmark survey?
- Are the data submitted on BEA surveys confidential?
- I usually file the BE-11 annual survey. What is the difference between the BE-10 and the BE-11?
- I received a notification to file the BE-10 from BEA. How did you get my information?
- I do not meet BE-10 filing requirements. Do I have to file a BE-10 survey?